© K. Urtz 2013
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Sailing http://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/     General sailing news with a useful Google search archive. http://www.vsail.info/   The cost reduced platform of the former Valencia Sailing, with archives of high quality pics covering 2005 - 2010 mainly.   America’s Cup http://www.cupinfo.com/ Independent website with top news and pics about the 34th AC,its wingsail-cats, and past America's Cup events. http://www.sail-world.com/ Sailing, sail-racing and cruising news site updated constantly by contributors around the world http://www.cupineurope.com/ Ex Hauraki News, once a French-English website about the AC, but most info disappeared. Has still a valuable list of all IACC yachts with a picture of each boat http://www.cupedia.de/  German website about the AC of recent years http://www.americascup.com/ Official website of the 34th AC   Websites of the Teams 2013 http://oracle-team-usa.americascup.com/ ORACLE USA defender Golden Gate YC http://artemis-racing.americascup.com/ Artemis Racing Sweden/Challenger of Record http://emirates-team-new-zealand.americascup.com/ Emirates Team New Zealand http://energy-team.americascup.com/ Energy Team France http://bar.americascup.com/ BAR/ Ben Ainsly Racing http://www.americascup.com/en/ Team-Korea = web closed with their withdrawal http://luna-rossa-challenge-2013.americascup.com/ Luna-Rossa-Challenge-2013/ http://china-team.americascup.com/ China-Team/ http://www.mascalzonelatino.it/ Mscalzone Latino, Italy, former Challenger of Record, Cancelled its nomination  early May 2011                                                              12 Meter History http://www.12mrclass.com/cms/   Website of ITMA , the International 12 Metre Association http://sail-3d.com/12er/ Commercial sailing platform with an informative 12-Meter charter section. http://www.trivia.de/ Website about the German 12m Trivia with a list of all built 12-metres
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