© K. Urtz 2013
ESP-42 Rio de Espana, challenger of the LVC 1995
The Spaniards sailed fair but aggressively and won the one or another surprising victory.
Yacht / Country :     Rio de Espana Sail No                    ESPN 42 Syndicate :              Desafio Espanol  CEO :                     Miguel Aguilo    Yacht Club:             Monte Real Club de                                  Yates de Bayona Designers :              Joaquín Coello                                 Javier Pamies                                     Manuel Ruiz Elvira Boat Builder :          Rodman-Polyships  Skipper:                  Pedro Campos
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The team had a smaller budget than 1992. Thus, all preparations including the order of a new yacht was delayed. ESP 42 was built very late within 2 months and hastily shipped to San Diego without tests in Spain. There had been 2 days time only ahead of the first race to equip the boat. They were permanently lacking on time and practice. The Spaniards sailed fair but aggressively and won the one or another surprising victory.